08 November 2007


Alhough I'm fully aware that there is not a world of people out there eagerly awaiting my interweb debut, it is nonetheless reasonably exciting for me - and, as the subheading of this blog would suggest, one's life is one's life after all so I might as well allow myself to enjoy my own enjoyment.

Perhaps there is no exact purpose to this blog, and perhaps there never will be. I enjoy writing, as well as collecting interesting bits of information, so I suppose this could be showcase of sorts for a few of the things that run around my brain on a daily basis (I wouldn't even begin to assume that I could possibly detail everything, and therefore "a few" will suffice for now).
Then again, perhaps one day I will wake up and decide that the study of ancient clam is my life's purpose, in which case I can fairly assume that my small piece of the internet here would be dedicated to such cause.
In the meantime, this space will most likely remain purposeless.

I've just read what I've thus far written back to myself and something struck me: it is really, really strange that I carry on conversations with myself when I write. Not necessarily strange in a bad way, just odd.
And now I've caught myself doing it once again.

Oh well, it's better than talking to myself aloud I suppose. Ink and paper (or, in this case, binary code) seem a more acceptable medium for talking to oneself than, say, vocalizing one's contempt for the world on the TTC during rush hour - in my opinion at least. But I don't have to say "in my opinion" here, as that's exactly what this blog is for: MY opinion. How fabulously narcisstic of me!

In essence, if you don't like it, bugger off. There's a whole universe out there for you to explore...

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